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Total Record(s) Found: 29
Index of Caldwell County, State of Missouri marriage records covering 1845-1872.
Search for Crawford County, State of Missouri marriages recorded between 1828 and 1897.
Daviess County, State of Missouri marriages between 1838 and 1866.
Dunklin County, State of Missouri assorted marriage records before 1884.
Franklin County, State of Missouri marriages recorded between 1819 and 1890. Information provided by the Franklin County Vital Records.
Browse this Greene County, State of Missouri Archives database for divorce records by year.
Search for Iron County, State of Missouri marriages recorded between 1857 and 1927.
Jasper County, State of Missouri Circuit Court records from 1860 through 1876.
Jefferson County, State of Missouri "colored" marriages between 1866 and 1878.
Search for Jefferson County, State of Missouri marriages recorded between 1826 and 1890.
Browse this Pettis County Black Marriage Registry from 1865 through 1874. Provided by
St. Charles County, State of Missouri Circuit Court records from 1805 through 1835.
Search for St. Francois County, State of Missouri marriages recorded between 1818 and 1908.
St. Louis, State of Missouri probate court records from 1876 through 1900.
Search this State of Missouri State Archives database of St. Louis Probate Court records (1802-1900) by name and/or year filed.
Browse these historical marriage record lists from the 1800s, provided by the St. Louis, State of Missouri Genealogical Society.
Search for State of Missouri Deaths and Burials recorded between 1867 and 1976.
Browse Dent County, State of Missouri deaths by name. Gives date of death, gender, and race.
Browse this Greene County Archives database by name for County Coroner's records for the period 1875 through 1972.
Browse this Greene County, State of Missouri Archives database for divorce records by year.
Browse this list from the St. Louis, State of Missouri Genealogical Society of divorce records from 1880, 1883 and some from 1890 that were reported in the St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Browse by year, the St. Louis, State of Missouri Public Library obituary index of names obtained from both the Death Notice and the Burial Permits listing, as well as Obituary Articles, found in the St. Louis Post Dispatch.
State of Missouri birth records before 1910 by county and date.
Washington County, State of Missouri list of births recorded between 1882 and 1893.
Search for Washington County, State of Missouri marriages recorded between 1815 and 1937.
Ste. Genevieve County, State of Missouri marriage records between 1723 and 1890.
List of Stoddard County, State of Missouri marriages recorded before 1900.
Vernon County, State of Missouri marriage records recorded between 1905 and 1928.
Browse these Rootsweb lists of Webster County, State of Missouri 1855-1856 marriages by bride or groom name.