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Total Record(s) Found: 13
Use this State of Missouri division of Professional Registration service to search for licensed endowed care, municipality, non-endowed care, and not-for-profit cemeteries.
Search this database by name and location for cemetery inscriptions in Cape Girardeau County, State of Missouri.
Browse this RootsWeb database by surname for burials at cemeteries in Jefferson County, State of Missouri.
Browse these lists of burials from the Cox, IOOF, and Oakdale Cemeteries in the city of Monett, State of Missouri.
Search RootsWeb's database of Newton County, State of Missouri cemetery records by name to view information including name, birth & death dates, cemetery, county and state.
Scott County, State of Missouri cemeteries and lists of burials.
Search RootsWeb's database of St. Genevieve County, State of Missouri cemetery records by name to view information including name, birth & death dates, cemetery, county and state.
Browse these historical cemetery record lists from various cemeteries provided by the St. Louis, State of Missouri Genealogical Society.
Search this Catholic Cemeteries of the Archdiocese of St. Louis database of St. Louis, State of Missouri city and county for catholic burials. Search by cemetery, name, age, burial year, and/or gender.
Search RootsWeb's database of St. Louis County, State of Missouri cemetery records by name to view information including name, birth & death dates, cemetery, county and state.
Search RootsWeb's database of Washington County, State of Missouri cemetery records by name to view information including name, birth & death dates, cemetery, county and state.
Search RootsWeb's database of Stone County, State of Missouri cemetery records by name to view information including name, birth & death dates, cemetery, county and state.
Search RootsWeb's database of Taney County, State of Missouri cemetery records by name to view information including name, birth & death dates, cemetery, county and state.