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Select Missouri as the "Issue" state, or enter "MO" for last residence or last benefit to search the Social Security death index for Missouri deaths.
Provided by: U.S. Eastern District Court of Missouri. Register with the fee-based PACER system to search for Federal civil & criminal court records by case number, party name, filing date, or last update. Provides dockets and documents.
Provided by: U.S. Eastern District Court of Missouri. Register with the fee-based PACER system to search for Federal bankruptcy court records by case number, name, SSN/Tax ID, or case type. Provides dockets and documents.
Provided by: U.S. Western District Court of Missouri. Register with the fee-based PACER system to search Federal civil & criminal court records by case number, party name, filing date, or last update. Provides dockets and documents.
Provided by: U.S. Western District Court of Missouri. Register with the fee-based PACER system to search Federal bankruptcy court records by case number, name, SSN/Tax ID, or case type. Provides dockets and documents.
Information on how to obtain criminal histories from the Missouri Highway Patrol.
Search by name, county, troop, person city/state, or arrest date for arrest reports issued by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, or look through a list of people most recently involved in an arrest.
Browse the listing of current or former capital crime inmates in Missouri. Provides inmate name, date of birth, received date, county, photo, and case facts.
Search the Missouri Department of Corrections Offender database for inmates and offenders by doc ID or first and last name.
Provided by: U.S. Eastern District Court of Missouri. Register with the fee-based PACER system to search for Federal civil & criminal court records by case number, party name, filing date, or last update. Provides dockets and documents.
Provided by: U.S. Western District Court of Missouri. Register with the fee-based PACER system to search for Federal civil & criminal court records by case number, party name, filing date, or last update. Provides dockets and documents.
Search through this Missouri State Highway Patrol service by name, county, or zip code for Missouri registered sex offenders.
Search for Missouri Supreme Court case records by case number, filing date, or name. Provides party name(s), case number, party type, style of case, case type, filing date, address on file, circuit, county, location, and OCN.
Browse the Missouri Supreme Court case dockets by month.
Search the Missouri Supreme Court Historical Database for criminal and civil court Supreme Court appeals prior to 1868.
Search by the licensee name, license number, DBA name, and/or county & profession name for Acupuncturist licensees in State of Missouri. Provides information on the full name, license number, profession, address, dba (if any), certification type, and also the license dates.
Andrew County, State of Missouri property search by owner name, address, or parcel ID. View results on an interactive GIS map.
Search by licensee name, license number, DBA name, and/or county & profession name for licensed Announcers in State of Missouri. Provides full name, license number, profession, address, dba (if any), certification type, and license dates.
Search the State of Missouri Judiciary's Case Information System by number, case filing date, litigants name or scheduled hearing/trial dates to view Supreme, Appellate & Circuit Court case records. Circuit court cases include civil, criminal, probate & traffic.
Search by licensee name, license number, DBA name, and/or county & profession name for Real Estate Appraiser licensees in State of Missouri. Provides full name, license number, profession, address, dba (if any), certification type, and license dates.
Select State of Missouri in the drop-down field to use this Federal Financial Institutions Examinations Council service to search for licensed appraisers in State of Missouri.
Search by licensee name, license #, DBA name, and/or county & profession name for licensed Architects & Architecture Corporations in State of Missouri. Provides full name, license number, profession, address, dba (if any), certification type, and license dates.
Search by licensee name, license #, DBA name, and/or county & profession name for licensed Athletic Trainers & Physicians in State of Missouri. Provides full name, license #, profession, address, dba (if any), certification type, and license dates.
Search the Official State of Missouri Directory of Lawyers for attorneys by name and city or county.
Search by licensee name, license #, DBA name, and/or county & profession name for licensed Audiologists & Aides in State of Missouri. Provides full name, license number, profession, address, dba (if any), certification type, and license dates.
Browse this Audrain County, State of Missouri Sheriff's database by name, photo, and crime committed for a list of the most wanted fugitives.
Search for State of Missouri State-Chartered Banks. Provides name, address, assets and CEO.
Search by licensee name, license #, DBA name, and/or county & profession name for licensed Barber Shops & Schools in State of Missouri. Provides full name, license number, profession, address, dba (if any), certification type, and license dates.
Search by licensee name, license #, DBA name, and/or county & profession name for licensed Barbers in State of Missouri. Provides full name, license number, profession, address, dba (if any), certification type, and license dates.
Barry County, State of Missouri Sheriff's Office most wanted fugitives.
Barry County, State of Missouri Collector service. Search for and pay your property taxes online.
Search Barry County, State of Missouri recorded documents.
Rootsweb.com birth and other vital cecords resources available in Barry County, State of Missouri.
Browse this Rootsweb.com list of Vital Records resources available in Barry County, State of Missouri.
Bates County, State of Missouri recorded documents. Includes deeds, mortgages, liens, judgments, lis pendens, etc.
Search by licensee name, license #, DBA name, and/or county & profession name for licensed Beauty Shops in State of Missouri. Provides full name, license number, profession, address, dba (if any), certification type, and license dates.
Search for and pay your Benton County, State of Missouri property taxes online. Provided by the Benton County, State of Missouri Collector.
Browse this list of current inmates in the Boone County, State of Missouri jail.
Search the Boone County, State of Missouri Recorder database by name for marriage records.
Search the Boone County, State of Missouri Assessor's records for property information and view interactive maps. Access requires registration with the Boone County Assessor and a login ID.
Boone County, State of Missouri County Collector property tax search.
Boone County, State of Missouri Recorder of Deeds database by grantor or grantee name for recorded documents - deeds, mortgages, judgments, etc.
Browse this Boone County, State of Missouri Sheriff's Department list for persons who have outstanding warrants.
Search by licensee name, license #, DBA name, and/or county & profession name for licensed Boxing Contestants, Judges, Managers, Matchmakers, Promoters, Referees, Seconds, and Sponsors in State of Missouri.
Search by licensee name, license #, DBA name, and/or county & profession name for licensed brokers, associates, officers, partners, and broker salespersons in State of Missouri.
Use this Geographic Information System from Buchanan County, State of Missouri to search parcel information by name, address or parcel id and view interactive maps.
Search the Buchanan County, State of Missouri Recorder's Office for recorded documents (deeds, mortgages, liens, judgments, etc.) Registration and fee required.
Index of Caldwell County, State of Missouri marriage records covering 1845-1872.
Use this Geographic Information System from Camden County, State of Missouri to locate parcel information by name, address, parcel id, or subdivision and use interactive maps.
Use this service of the Camdenton Police Department and browse the list of people who have warrants on them through the Camdenton Police Department.
Search the Tapestry database of Cape Girardeau County, State of Missouri recorded documents (deeds, mortgages, liens, etc.) by name and/or date. Use "Quick Search" and pay by credit card, or register with Tapestry for advanced searches. IE only.
Cass County, State of Missouri in custody inmates. Provided by the Cass County Sheriff's Office.
Cass County, State of Missouri property records. Search by owner name, owner address, tax year, account number, and/or property address.
Search for Cass County, State of Missouri Assessor's property records and view interactive GIS Maps.
Search for Cass County, State of Missouri real estate and personal property tax information and pay your taxes online.
Instruction for access to the Cass County, State of Missouri recorded document database provided by the Cass County Recorder of Deeds.
Active warrants issued by the Cass County, State of Missouri Sheriff.
Use this State of Missouri division of Professional Registration service to search for licensed endowed care, municipality, non-endowed care, and not-for-profit cemeteries.
Search by licensee name, license #, DBA name, and/or county & profession name for licensed Certified Public Accountants in State of Missouri. Provides full name, license number, profession, address, dba (if any), certification type, and license dates.
Search by licensee name, license #, DBA name, and/or county & profession name for licensed Chiropractic Physicians in State of Missouri. Provides full name, license number, profession, address, dba (if any), certification type, and license dates.
Search for Christian County, State of Missouri marriages by name, book & page, file number, or date. User ID and Password are "Public." Advanced search is available.
Click on "Real Estate" to use this Christian County, State of Missouri Tax Collector service to search for property information by parcel number or name and pay your taxes online.
Use this Geographic Information System from Christian County, Missouri to locate parcel information by name, address or section/township and view interactive maps.
Use this Christian County, MO Recorder of Deeds service to search for recorded docs (deeds, mortgages, judgments, etc.) by name, book & page, file number, date, subdivision, condo, etc. User ID and Password are "Public." Advanced search is available.
The State of Missouri Clay County 7th District Court now uses the State of Missouri CaseNet system to provide civil, probate, criminal, and traffic court records online.
The State of Missouri Clay County 7th District Court now uses the State of Missouri CaseNet system to provide civil, probate, criminal, and traffic court records online.
Browse this current list of inmates in Clay County, State of Missouri.
Search this Clay County, State of Missouri Recorder's Office service by name for Marriage Records in Clay County.
Clay County, State of Missouri Sheriff's Office most wanted.
Clay County, State of Missouri Sheriff's Office most wanted for non-support (deadbeat dads).
Clay County, State of Missouri Sheriff's Office most wanted sex offenders.
Search the Clay County, State of Missouri Assessor's property database by property address, parcel ID, tax district, subdivision, or map number.
Use this Clay County, State of Missouri interactive GIS map service to search for property information, GIS maps, and aerial photograps. Search by parcel number or street address.
Use this service of the Clay County Recorder of Deeds Office to search for recorded documents in Clay County, State of Missouri by name or instrument number, book & page.
Search by licensee name, license #, DBA name, and/or county & profession name for licensed Clinical Social Workers in State of Missouri. Provides full name, license number, profession, address, dba (if any), certification type, and license dates.
Click on "Most Wanted" links to browse this Cole County, State of Missouri Sheriff's database by name, photo, and crime committed for a list of the most wanted fugitives.
Cole County, State of Missouri and Jefferson City property information and interactive GIS maps.
Search State of Missouri Division of Finance records for licensed State of Missouri Consumer Installment Lenders.
Cooper County, State of Missouri personal and real estate property taxes. Search is by tax type and tax bill number.
Search by licensee name, license #, DBA name, and/or county & profession name for Cosmetology licensees in State of Missouri-- includes Hairdressing, Manicurists, Apprentices, Esthetics, Instructors, and Students.
Search by licensee name, license #, DBA name, and/or county & profession name for licensed Community Health Counselors in State of Missouri. Provides full name, license number, profession, address, dba (if any), certification type, and license dates.
Search by licensee name, license #, DBA name, and/or county & profession name for licensed Professional Counselors in State of Missouri. Provides full name, license number, profession, address, dba (if any), certification type, and license dates.
Search by licensee name, license #, DBA name, and/or county & profession name for Psychiatric & Mental Health Counselor licensees in State of Missouri. Provides full name, license #, profession, address, dba (if any), certification type, and license dates.
Search the State of Missouri Judiciary's Case Information System by number, case filing date, litigants name or scheduled hearing/trial dates to view Supreme, Appellate & Circuit Court case records. Circuit court cases include civil, criminal, probate & traffic.
Search by licensee name, license #, DBA name, and/or county & profession name for licensed CPA Corporations & Partnerships in State of Missouri. Provides full name, license number, profession, address, dba (if any), certification type, and license dates.
Crawford County, State of Missouri Arrest Report from the Crawford County Sheriff's Office.
Search for Crawford County, State of Missouri marriages recorded between 1828 and 1897.
Crawford County, State of Missouri most wanted offenders. Info from the Crawford County Sheriff's Office.
Search State of Missouri Division of Finance records for licensed State of Missouri Credit Service Organizations.
Search the State of Missouri Judiciary's Case Information System by number, case filing date, litigants name or scheduled hearing/trial dates to view Supreme, Appellate & Circuit Court case records. Circuit court cases include civil, criminal, probate & traffic.
Daviess County, State of Missouri marriages between 1838 and 1866.
Search State of Missouri Division of Finance records for licensed State of Missouri Debt Adjusters.
Search by licensee name, license #, DBA name, and/or county & profession name for licensed Dental Hygienists in State of Missouri. Provides full name, license number, profession, address, dba (if any), certification type, and license dates.
Search by licensee name, license #, DBA name, and/or county & profession name for licensed Dentists in State of Missouri. Provides full name, license number, profession, address, dba (if any), certification type, and license dates.
Search by licensee name, license #, DBA name, and/or county & profession name for licensed Dietitians in State of Missouri. Provides full name, license number, profession, address, dba (if any), certification type, and license dates.
Search for and order official State of Missouri divorce records from VitalChek.
Douglas County, State of Missouri inmates. Provided by the Douglas County Sheriff's Office.
Douglas County, State of Missouri warrants and most wanted persons.
Search by licensee name, license #, DBA name, and/or county & profession name for licensed Drug Distributors in State of Missouri. Provides full name, license number, profession, address, dba (if any), certification type, and license dates.
Dunklin County, State of Missouri assorted marriage records before 1884.